Tanya Griffin
Tanya Griffin

Field Operation Manager

What excites or inspires you about your work?
What I have found exciting about working in this Industry, is when my family and I see a Construction site, it is fun that I can explain some of what is being built there. Typically, the kids look to their Dad to get answers on cool things like Construction equipment and instead, they get to ask me. I enjoy that.

What’s your first memory or activity related to current occupation?
I started at Molin in 1996 when I was still pretty young. Back then most things were done manually with not a lot being done on Computers. Technology has changed our work environment tremendously since then. I have retired the automatic eraser we used to make changes to the schedule.

If you could relive any moment from your life, what would it be?
Grade school. I would give anything today to do things I did back then. Like take naps!